
File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
sapi_lipsync/phone_estimate.cpp [code]Implementation of the phoneme timing estimator to improve results from SAPI 5.1
sapi_lipsync/phone_estimate.h [code]Declaration of the phoneme timing estimator to improve results from SAPI 5.1
sapi_lipsync/Resource.h [code]
sapi_lipsync/sapi_lipsync.cpp [code]Implements classes and structures for automatic lipsync using SAPI 5.1
sapi_lipsync/sapi_lipsync.h [code]Declares classes and structures for automatic lipsync using SAPI 5.1
sapi_lipsync/sapi_lipsync_doxy.h [code]Doxygen groupings and other info needed to generate good documentation from the source code
sapi_lipsync/sapi_lipsync_main.cpp [code]Main entry point and command line argument processing
sapi_lipsync/sapi_util.cpp [code]Implementation for various utility functions
sapi_lipsync/sapi_util.h [code]Simple utilities that don't belong anywhere else
sapi_lipsync/StdAfx.cpp [code]Source file that includes just the standard includes used for pre-compiled header
sapi_lipsync/StdAfx.h [code]Precompiled header for this project

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