
void run_lipsync_message_loop sapi_lipsync lsp  ) 

This function run a win32 message loop.

It polls the specified sapi_lipsync object for completion, while running the message loop. The message loop is necessary for SAPI to run.

add a way to stop this process (such as a key down)
lsp - lipsync object or subclass

Definition at line 125 of file sapi_lipsync_main.cpp.

00126 {
00127     MSG msg;
00128     while (!lsp.isDone())
00129     {
00130         if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
00131         {
00132             TranslateMessage(&msg);
00133             DispatchMessage(&msg);
00134             Sleep(100);
00135         }       
00136     }        
00137 }

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